
Environment / Regulation / 03 December 2018

BBPA supports Government action on plastic waste

The British Beer & Pub Association has today supported Government action to ban plastic straws and stirrers. A ban would build on voluntary initiatives by the pub sector to remove plastic straws and stirrers.

Voluntary initiatives to reduce and remove plastic straws from the pub sector have so far been extremely successful, they have highlighted the potential benefits of the removal of plastic straws and reflected consumer demand for this outcome. BBPA members have driven voluntary initiatives to find plastic straw alternatives, from practical initiatives such as only offering plastic straws on an ‘on-demand’ basis, to the development of straws made from seashells. Along with other industry bodies and in particular the British Institute of Innkeeping, the BBPA has supported the Last Straw campaignto reduce the numbers of plastic straws used in pubs across the country.

To ensure consistency, the BBPA believes a plastic straw ban should be applied across the food and drink sector (both in retail and hospitality) and cover all types of plastic straws, including compostable and biodegradable plastic straws.

However, the BBPA has argued that groups with accessibility needs must be able to access plastic straws. These should not only be available in pharmacies, but also hospitality outlets so that those with accessibility needs can continue to enjoy the use of pubs as much as everybody else.

Brigid Simmonds, Chief Executive of the British Beer and Pub Association, said:  

“It is important we all do our bit to reduce plastic waste and that is why we welcome the Government’s proposals to ban plastic straws and stirrers. To help pubs reduce their plastic waste we have already produced guidancefor licensees as well.”

Further Reading